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Game Plot

The year is 1989. Unsuspecting citizens begin brewing the day's first cup of coffee and rushing to their television sets to catch the morning news on Program 1 before they head off to work as dawn breaks over the Taviana SSR — a quiet, secluded island outpost of the Soviet Union tucked away in the Baltic Sea. The morning's top story is an unknown virus that has infected a number of individuals who have been quarantined in the capital's Central Hospital. People initially don't think much of the virus as the first symptoms appear harmless, but they are soon followed by rotting of the skin and decay of the brain. The infected are eventually reduced to bloodthirsty zombies with only primal instincts who now roam the land.

Despite the authorities' reassurances that the situation is under control and their subsequent attempts to contain the outbreak with mass evacuations and the isolation of whole cities, the virus spreads beyond the islands. Realizing that nothing can be done to stop the inevitable, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, better known as Mayor George, flees to a secret air force base known as Sector B with high-ranking government officials and other wealthy residents — leaving everyone else to fend for themselves.

A small number of individuals turn out to have a rare genetic mutation which means that they remain unaffected by the virus. This group of people is called the survivors. Some survivors attempt to reach Sector B, but they soon find out that it is guarded by elite mercenaries who are not keen on any visitors.

The true origins of the virus are never established. However, several theories exist among the survivors based on legends, speculations, and classified documents found in various government buildings.

Lab Leak Conspiracy

Based on documents about a man named Dr. Ivan allegedly found by survivors in the KGB headquarters building in Sabina, and memos belonging to him, allegedly found in a secret laboratory known as Object 24, many survivors believe that Soviet scientists were working on isolating a virus that was unintentionally contracted by a Patient 0 who is mentioned in the notes. It is thought that Patient 0 may have been one of the laboratory staff and that Dr. Ivan was attempting to cure them after they fell ill. It is believed that Patient 0 may have unknowingly spread the virus to the outside world before anyone realized what had happened.

Mutant Theory

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KGB photographs of dead livestock

Dead livestock with mysterious round bite marks in the neck was reported to the authorities multiple times, weeks before the outbreak, by multiple farmers in the southern regions of the Taviana SSR. The cause of the bite marks was never established.

There are speculations that the livestock was killed by Patient 0 who some believe is a mutant that escaped from a laboratory referred to only as Object 24, located somewhere beneath the capital city, Sabina.

It is thought that the mutant was the test subject for a highly contagious virus that was being studied in the laboratory and infected the livestock from which the virus was subsequently contracted by the farmers or policemen investigating the deaths. A trove of documents and photographs relating to the incidents has been recovered by survivors from the KGB headquarters building in Sabina.

Many dispute the existence of Patient 0 and attribute the deaths of the livestock to aliens.

UFO Theory

Classified military documents found by survivors reveal that in the months leading up to the outbreak an unusually high frequency of UFO sightings was made by the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

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Classified photo of a UFO №512-124

Air Force pilots regularly reported encountering shiny, spherical objects moving through the sky at speeds higher than any currently known Soviet or NATO aircraft, as well as performing maneuvers that defy the laws of aerodynamics.

On one occasion, an intercontinental Bear bomber from the 1007th Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, stationed at Bled AB, reported a near-miss with a UFO on its return flight to base. On another occasion, jet fighter aircraft were scrambled from Sector B to intercept a UFO spotted by a fishing vessel over the sea and reported that the spherical object simply sunk into the water and never resurfaced.

State of the art destroyer Admiral Sokolov was reportedly swarmed by several flying objects in the early hours of the morning while on patrol off the coast of Kameni. The objects would appear on radar, disappear, and reappear again, at a completely random location mere moments later.

Civilians and military personnel alike have reported witnessing strange lights in the sky and forests in the northern regions of the Taviana SSR. One theory is that the aliens landed on Taviana and infected wildlife with an alien virus which was later contracted by humans.

A more far-fetched theory is that the aliens created the virus to kill off the human species so they could make the Earth their new home.

Please bear in mind that all the information and events on this page are fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
gameplot.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/02 23:06 by admin