Latest News!
News Update #42 Date added: 2019-10-24 23:04:24

we've created an experimental fully procedural material which will allow us to create scenes just like this in 15 minutes and so we'd like to show it to you and see what you think!

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Taviana The Origins - Pre-Alpha Gameplay #1 Date added: 2019-10-08 16:15:49

Our great programmers have been working very hard on creating playable builds of the game, and so we’d like to show you how we’ve redesigned the interface to make it much easier to interact with objects in the world...

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News Update #40 Date added: 2019-09-16 15:30:54

As we merge the programming and visual part of the game together and prepare some great videos for you, let's have a sneak peak at some things which our design department is preparing for...

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News Update #39 Date added: 2019-09-16 15:30:09

We have some great news, we have finally finished all the remaining buildings and clothes! That means that from the 3D modelling point of view, all of our work is done! Well, nearly done. Now we will be going over...

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News Update #38 Date added: 2019-09-16 15:29:13

We’re still continuing on finishing up the few remaining houses, but meanwhile we’d like to show you some of the great new wearable clothes we’ve been making for the new player model we showed last time!

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News Update #37 Date added: 2019-08-01 11:11:12

Apart from re-making the Dr. Ivan model we've also used the time to re-make the player model using all the new skills we've learned and check out the difference! On the right you can see our original player model named 'Artur' and on the left you can see the...

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Taviana News #36 + Half Year Project Status Update! Date added: 2019-07-16 14:41:15

So 6 months have now passed since the beginning of the year and it's time to update you guys on the status of the project, what we've been up to and what's planned.

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News Update #35 Date added: 2019-07-01 14:58:44

As you're probably already aware if you've been following the news lately, we decided to re-make Dr. Ivan to...

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News Update #34 Date added: 2019-06-17 14:37:13

Those of you that are subscribed to the WIP screenshots have already seen the new airport tower but for those of you who haven't, we'd like to show it to you! This is the most complex building we've made for the game up until now and...

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News Update #33 Date added: 2019-06-01 15:15:53

...we'd like to show you some of the zombie animations...

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